The Spay & Neuter procedure conducted on cats or dogs is one that should be considered by every pet owner. There are several benefits to be obtained by having a pet spayed or neutered. Contact Rolling Hills Animal Hospital in Chula Vista to meet with our veterinarian if you are contemplating having your pet altered. Read over the following information to learn why this procedure is so important for pets.
What The Spay & Neuter Procedure Does
When a pet is spayed or neutered, its reproductive organs are removed so it cannot become pregnant or get another pet pregnant. Spaying is the process of altering a female pet, while neutering is the process of altering a male pet. The procedure is conducted in a surgical setting by our veterinarian. It requires the use of general anesthesia so your pet is not awake during the procedure.
The Benefits Of Spaying Or Neutering Your Pet
In addition to stopping the possibility of unwanted kittens or puppies, spaying or neutering a pet will stop them from getting reproductive cancers. A spayed female will not have a heat cycle, which often causes dogs or cats to try to escape a home to look for a mate to reproduce with. Males will be less likely to show signs of aggression. Behavioral problems like eliminating indoors may also cease when a pet is spayed or neutered.
When To Have Your Pet Spayed Or Neutered
Many people have the Spay & Neuter process done when a pet is still in the kitten or puppy stage. This ensures they are not yet at sexual maturity, stopping the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy from occurring altogether. A pet can be altered at an older age as well. If your pet is still a kitten or puppy, contact our veterinarian to find out their recommendation regarding surgery scheduling.
Contact Our Rolling Hills Animal Hospital in Chula Vista Today!
Call Rolling Hills Animal Hospital in Chula Vista, CA to make an appointment for a Spay & Neuter consultation before surgery is performed. Reach out to our veterinarian today by calling us at (619) 656-6400.